Membership to the Mayflower Portuguese Water Dog Club can be requested at any time.
Simply complete the registration form to the right and mail it to the address indicated on the form. This form can also be used for annual membership renewals. This insures that our records are up-to-date with your current contact information. Payment is accepted by check or you can choose to use the PayPal option below. Important: To insure proper acknowledgement of your PayPal payment, we ask you to scan and email your receipt to [email protected]. Thank you. |
Membership types include:
- Associate - Open to all adults (over 18) especially new members who wish to learn more about our club and its events. Associate members may not hold office or vote. Membership fee is $25.00 per person per year.
- Household Associate - Discount memberships are offered to two adults within the same household. Household Associate members may not hold office or vote. Membership fee is $35.00 per household per year.
- Voting - Open to current members only. Associate members, who have volunteered and/or participated in club events may apply for voting membership after one year with the sponsorship of two (2) voting members. Voting members may hold office and vote at meetings. Membership fee is $35.00 per person per year.
- Household Voting - Discount memberships are offered to two adults within the same household. Household Voting members may hold office and vote at meetings. Membership fee is $45.00 per household per year.
- Honorary - Conferred upon an individual who has shown exemplary service to the club. Honorary members may not vote or hold office and do not pay membership fees unless they so choose.
- Junior - Same as Associate Membership, except open to anyone under 18 years of age. Membership fee is $10 per person per year.